Anlaf II Norrena Cyning

Anlaf II
Cynedom 1015 – 1028
Foregenga Sƿegn Tƿislabeard
Æftergenga Cnut se Micla
Bryd Astrid Anlafesdohtor
Bearn Magnus I Norrena Cyning
Hus Fægerhār Cynecynn
Fæder Harold Grenske
Modor Åsta Gudbrandesdohtor
Geboren 993
Ringerice on Norþƿege
Deaþ 29 Mǣdmōnaþ 1030

Anlaf II Harolding (995 – 29 July 1030), þes nama on Norðisc is Olaf Haradsson ƿæs Norrena Cyning of 1015 oð 1028. Æfter his dēaþ geaf man him be title Rex Perpetuus Norvegiae se is 'Norþƿeges Ēcecyning' andhe ƿæs to halga gehalgod in Niðerosse be Grimketel Biscope, ān ƿinter æfter his dēaþ. Anlaf forþferede æt sæcce æt þære Stiklestad Beadƿe on 29 Mædmonaþ 1030. His liclāf ƿæs in scrine geseted in Niðeross Hēahcirice, and þeos cirice ƿæs getimbrod ofer his byrgen.

Anlafes Halgan byrgebstede ƿæs gelōsen æt þære Ednīƿunge be Lutheriscum gelicnesbrāce in 1536–37.

Oððæt ðe Anlaf ƿæs cyning se ricsode mid eafoþe[1] his miltse giefð his gemynding and he ƿeard on Norþmannum cumbol of þæm þēode.

  1. – Olav den Hellige var en massemorder

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